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  • info@whroofingconstruction.website
  • 1701 Pacific Ave Oxnard, CA 93033
  • 7AM to 7PM

Leading Residential & Commercial Roofing Services

WH Roofing & Construction: Unmatched Roofing Excellence for Homes & Businesses


Roof Installation and Repair Services

10+ Years Of Experience In Roofing Services

WH Roofing & Construction

Premier Roofing Services in Oxnard, CA

At WH Roofing & Construction, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier roofing solutions to both residential and commercial clients across Oxnard, CA, and its neighboring regions. With years of dedicated service under our belts, we've established ourselves as the go-to experts for all roofing needs, offering unparalleled craftsmanship, quality materials, and a commitment to customer satisfaction that sets us apart.

Residential Roofing: Protecting Your Home

Your home is your sanctuary, and a robust, reliable roof is essential to your comfort and safety. At WH Roofing & Construction, we understand the importance of a secure roof over your head. That's why we offer comprehensive residential roofing services tailored to meet the unique needs of your home. From routine inspections and maintenance to full-scale roof replacements, our skilled team is equipped to handle projects of any size with precision and care. Using only the finest materials, we ensure your home is protected against the elements, enhancing its curb appeal and value.

Commercial Roofing: Supporting Your Business

The roof over your business is crucial to its operation, protecting your assets, employees, and clients alike. Recognizing the unique challenges and requirements of commercial roofing, WH Roofing & Construction offers specialized services designed to minimize disruption and maximize protection. Whether it's a retail store, office building, or industrial facility, our commercial roofing solutions are tailored to the specific needs of your business. From energy-efficient installations to durable repairs, we provide the expertise and materials necessary to ensure your commercial property stands strong against weather and wear.

Get in Touch

Ready to discuss your roofing project? Whether you're looking to upgrade your home or secure your commercial property, WH Roofing & Construction is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover why we're Oxnard's preferred roofing contractor. Let us help you protect what matters most with reliability, integrity, and excellence.

Unlocking Growth Exploring the Powerhouse Features of Our Business Solutions

Roof Replacement

Revitalize your property with our comprehensive roof replacement service. Tailored to meet both residential and commercial needs, we ensure a seamless transition to a durable, high-quality roof.


Residential & Commercial Roofing

Expert roofing solutions for every home and business. Our team specializes in delivering customized, high-performance roofing systems designed for longevity and aesthetic appeal.


Roofing Inspection

Ensure the health of your roof with our detailed inspection services. We identify potential issues early, offering peace of mind and preventing costly future repairs.


Roof Installation

Start your new construction off right with our professional roof installation services. We provide modern, efficient roofing systems, expertly installed for maximum durability.


Roof Restoration

Bring your aging roof back to life with our roof restoration services. We focus on extending your roof's lifespan, enhancing its appearance, and improving overall functionality.


Roof Repairs

Quick and efficient roof repairs to address leaks, damage, and wear. Our skilled team ensures your roof is restored to its optimal condition, protecting your property from the elements.


Missing or Broken Shingles

Address missing or broken shingles promptly with our repair services. We match and replace shingles to maintain your roof’s integrity and aesthetic, preventing water infiltration and further damage.


Missing Nails

Secure your roof with our nail replacement and repair service. Missing nails can lead to loose shingles and leaks; we ensure your roof remains intact and weather-resistant.


Cracks in Tiles

Repair cracks in your roof tiles with precision. Our team expertly addresses tile damage, preventing moisture entry and preserving the structural integrity of your roof.


Leak Repairs

Specialized leak repair services to protect your property from water damage. We locate and fix leaks efficiently, ensuring your interior remains dry and safe.


Poor Ventilation

Improve your roof’s ventilation to extend its life and enhance indoor comfort. Our ventilation solutions prevent overheating and moisture accumulation, crucial for roof health.


Signs of Deterioration

Tackle signs of roof deterioration early with our expert services. From discoloration to structural sagging, we address issues promptly, ensuring your roof’s longevity and functionality.

Premier Roofing Services in Oxnard, CA

WH Roofing & Construction:

Welcome to WH Roofing & Construction, your trusted partner for exceptional roofing services in Oxnard, CA, and beyond. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our extensive experience, makes us the go-to choice for all your roofing needs. We specialize in a range of services designed to keep your roof in optimal condition, ensuring the safety and security of your property.

Roof Replacement

At WH Roofing & Construction, we understand that roof replacement is a significant investment. That's why we're dedicated to providing our clients with durable, high-quality solutions that stand the test of time. Whether you're dealing with age-related wear and tear or damage from natural elements, our expert team is equipped to deliver a seamless roof replacement experience, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Roofing Inspection

Routine inspections are crucial to maintaining the health of your roof. Our comprehensive roofing inspection services are designed to identify potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs. From assessing storm damage to evaluating general wear, we provide detailed insights and recommendations to keep your roof in top condition.

Roof Installation

Whether you're building a new home or commercial facility, WH Roofing & Construction offers professional roof installation services that guarantee the perfect finish to your construction project. Our skilled team works with the finest materials and employs the latest techniques to ensure your new roof is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.

Roof Restoration

Restore your roof to its former glory with our specialized roof restoration services. Ideal for extending the life of your roof without the need for a complete replacement, our restoration process includes thorough cleaning, repair, and protective coatings to enhance your roof's appearance and functionality.

Ready to upgrade your property with top-tier roofing services? Contact WH Roofing & Construction today and discover why we're Oxnard's preferred roofing contractor. Protecting your home or business starts with a strong, reliable roof, and we're here to ensure you get exactly that.

Expert Roof Repair Services in Oxnard, CA

At WH Roofing & Construction, we understand the critical role your roof plays in protecting your residential and commercial properties. That's why we're dedicated to providing top-notch roof repair services to address a wide range of issues, from minor wear and tear to significant damage. Our team of experienced professionals is equipped to handle all your roofing repair needs in Oxnard, CA, and the surrounding areas, ensuring your property is safe, secure, and looking its best.

Comprehensive Roof Repair Solutions

Missing or Broken Shingles: Shingles are your roof's first line of defense against the elements. Our team expertly replaces missing or broken shingles, restoring the integrity and aesthetic appeal of your roof.

Missing Nails and Cracks in Tiles: Over time, roofing materials can become loose or damaged. We meticulously fix these issues, including missing nails and cracked tiles, to prevent water infiltration and further damage.

Leak Repairs: Leaks can lead to significant property damage if not addressed promptly. Our leak repair services are designed to quickly identify and fix the source of leaks, protecting your interior from water damage.

Poor Ventilation: Adequate roof ventilation is crucial for preventing heat and moisture buildup that can lead to mold, rot, and deterioration. We assess and improve your roof's ventilation, ensuring a healthier and more durable roofing system.

Signs of Deterioration: Regular exposure to the elements can wear down your roof over time. Our team is skilled in identifying and rectifying signs of deterioration, extending the lifespan of your roof and preventing potential issues.

Don't let roof issues go unaddressed. Contact WH Roofing & Construction today for reliable, high-quality roof repairs in Oxnard, CA, and beyond. Protect your property with our expert repair services and enjoy peace of mind knowing your roof is in the best hands.

Get Know Why Us

Choosing WH Roofing & Construction for your roofing needs brings a multitude of benefits. Here's why we stand out as the premier choice:


Customer Satisfaction

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. We work closely with you to understand your needs and exceed your expectations.


Expertise and Experience

With years of industry experience, our team has honed the skills necessary to handle any roofing project, ensuring high-quality outcomes every time.


Comprehensive Services

From inspections and repairs to full installations and restorations, we offer a wide range of services to meet all your residential and commercial roofing needs.


Affordable Pricing

We provide competitive pricing without compromising on quality, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Clients Testimonials

What Our Customers Say About Our Services


"After a heavy storm, we were concerned about potential damage to our roof. WH Roofing & Construction's inspection service was thorough and informative. They identified minor issues and fixed them quickly, preventing more significant problems down the line. Their honesty and transparency have earned my trust, and I'll definitely be calling them for any future roofing needs."

Michael J.

Michael J.


"Our experience with WH Roofing & Construction during our roof restoration project was nothing short of exceptional. The team was knowledgeable, friendly, and went above and beyond to ensure the work was done right, with minimal disruption to our daily lives. Our roof looks brand new again, thanks to their excellent service. Highly recommended for anyone looking for top-notch roofing services!"

Carlos S.

Carlos S.


"I was impressed with WH Roofing & Construction from the initial consultation to the completion of our roofing repairs. They were professional, efficient, and provided clear communication throughout the entire process. The repairs were completed quickly, and the quality of work was outstanding. It's reassuring to know I have a reliable roofing company to turn to in Oxnard."

Jessica M.

Jessica M.

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